讓我們又在讚聲中相遇 / Like CC Taiwan on Facebook again!


讚~我們又要搬家了!但不是這個。這個家已經搬完了,正隨時歡迎各位過來喝咖啡。這次,我們要搬的家是Facebook上的家。我們將從"社團"(group) 轉移到”粉絲團”(fan page)。

2009 年 2 月,台灣創用CC計畫由Bob Chao開始成立Facebook社團。時至今日,累積了148位關心創用CC的社團成員,至少98則關於自由文化的分享,與無數個隱藏在會員數字背後默默關心自由文化的你們。



台灣創用CC計畫 辦公室
2011/ 8/ 2

We are going to move again but not this. Instead, we’re welcome you to stop by. Actually, we are going to move our group page of Facebook to Facebook’s fanpage.

The  Creative Commons Taiwan’s Facebook group was raised by Bob Chao since Feb. 2009. We have engaged 148 members who are advocated into CC related topics and shared 98+ post about thoughts and discussions of free culture.

To make it easier to engage more people into CC Taiwan  as well as let us know which topics are favored by you. Whatsoever, we need a sophisticated tool to help us, that is Facebook’s fanpage. Thus, we are going to move to there. Don’t be hesitated, invite your friends and like our fanpage!

The group of  CC Taiwan on Facebook are not going to be shutdown before we can find a tool to archive/ transfer it. However, we are going to stop sharing on CC TW’s Facebook group.

Like our fanpage now!
Creative Commons Taiwan
2011/ 8/ 2