[公告] 10/19 網站暫停服務公告 / Service will be temporarily unavailable on 10/19


親愛的用戶,您好: 台灣創用CC計畫網站主機機房預計於10/19 (星期三)16:30-24:00 進行電力維護,屆時,本網站將暫停服務約8小時。如提前恢復供電,將提早恢復網站運作。 如有造成困擾,敬請見諒! 台灣創用CC計畫 敬上 --- Dear users, Due to power supply maintenance of CC server room, we have to suspend CC website service at 10/19 (Wed.) from 16:30 - 24:00. However, we will get back to you immediately as long as power supply maintenance is finished. We apologize for any inconvenience because of service suspension. Regards, Creative Commons Taiwan