
Peitta Wang

Creative Commons 總部在今年邁入第九年,除了在部落格上對這些支持者與董事表達深刻的感謝之外,他們也公布了在2010年的募款活動中,總共從1139人與22家公司中,募集到約52萬美金,其中包括 3taps、Tucows、Digital Garage、Ebay、Microsoft、LuLu、 wikiHow、Hindawi、Squidoo、The Miraverse 與 Aramex。

另外 Creative Commons 總部也在新的一年公布了新任的 CEO-Cathy Casserly,Cathy 是現任推行進階教學(Advancement of Teaching)的 Carnegie Foundation 資深合夥人,也曾以 William and Flora Hewlett Foundation 的董事的身分推動開放教育資源(OER, open educational resources),並且從 Creative Commons 的一開始,就開始積極參與。未來 Cathy 會以她在基金會與開放教育資源的廣泛的經驗,為 Creative Commons 帶來更多的能量。舊任 CEO- Joi 仍然會以董事身分繼續與 Cath y帶領 CC 邁向2011。

Cathy 對 Creative Commons 的參與,可參考 Lawrence Lessig 曾經所寫的:

“One of the most important moments in the history of Creative Commons happened on the day the Supreme Court upheld (incorrectly, in my view, but let’s leave that alone) the Copyright Term Extension Act in Eldred v. Ashcroft. After reading the decision, I had my head in my hands, buried in sadness, when my assistant reminded me that I had a 10am meeting with two people from the Hewlett Foundation. This was exactly one month after we had launched Creative Commons.

Cathy and Mike had heard about the Supreme Court’s decision. They recognized I wouldn’t be in much of a mood to chat. So they launched right into the reason for the meeting: The Hewlett Foundation had decided to help launch Creative Commons with a grant of $1 million dollars.

I won’t say that after I heard that news, I forgot about the Supreme Court. But from that moment on, it was much more important to me to prove Hewlett’s faith right than to worry about what the Supreme Court had gotten wrong. And I was especially keen to get to know these two people who understood our mission long before most had even recognized the problem that CC was meant to solve.”

參考文章: Jane Park, CC kicks off its 9th year with incoming CEO Cathy Casserly and a successful year-end campaign, January 6th, 2011